Saturday, September 25, 2021


Morning: Fiorella, who took five years of Latin many years ago, dreamed that she was at yet another Latin convention last night, but instead of sticking with the crowd, she went off exploring on her own. She got lost in the woods a couple of times, of course, but always found her way back to the bus and Miss Osborn, her revered teacher, so all ended well. But how can Fio interpret the dream, especially her traipse through the woods? (She can assure you that none of the Latin conventions way back when she attended were held under trees.)

Back to reality: Fiorella's studio is a cheerful mess right now--cheerful because she is moving forward on Lolly's story, and a mess because she has chapters stacked on her desk, on the step-ladder and on her file drawers, all of which she hopes to organize today. (Hah, hah-hah-hah-hah!)

Afternoon: hi-ho, hi-ho--Fio cleared out the chest next to her bed and found loads of things she'd thought she lost. THANK GOODNESS!

Have any one you caught the Australian movie Unfinished Sky on TV? Your girl can hardly understand a word of it, but she likes the plot and has watched it twice over already.



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