Tuesday, January 5, 2021

C'mon, Now--Give Me a Break!

 Fio is so tired of this house business. She's stripped the house in stages and it's now down to nearly nothing, which means that she can't find anything, either because it's been packed away or moved to another cupboard. At the same time, she is trying to keep the place looking cute and attractive so she can get a good price. She's also foot the bills for any repairs, etc., and been assured that all is well.....except it's not, according to "experts" called in by the prospective buyers. OF COURSE, THEY TELL YOU THERE IS ROOF TROUBLE--BECAUSE THEN YOU'LL HIRE THEM TO "FIX" IT!

Your girl is pressing for a hurry-up in the search for a new house. She doesn't like living alone, she's uncomfortable lingering in limbo, and is concerned about the welfare of the jungle of precious boxes inhabiting her three-car garage. Also, she also wants to be writing or painting or composing music or studying a new language instead of caretaking the remains of her once-beloved home, but instead, all she's doing is getting older.

Even the computer has turned against her, freezing up when she wants to explode on-line about TV being so dumb (shows) or repetitive (politics) that she finds herself watching stupid country music ads all the way through. Oh, and by the way, Fio DOES NOT LIKE the bum-bum BUM-bum background music which is so popular right now. It makes her nervous, which is the last thing she needs in her life.

And then there's the political scene, in which Trump, tutored by Daddy Putin, is playing every dirty card in the deck to stay in power.

 And dealing with all of this is why Fiorella keeps running to the refrigerator for chocolate bars.


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