Friday, August 28, 2020

What Next?

Fiorella lives in a forest and her neighbors rarely see her, even when she goes up the driveway to claim her mail, so why,  day after day, does she always dress cute and go so far as to select the shoes that will best compliment her ensemble?
The realtor came over today, her professional handy-man neighbor joined us about an hour later, and then the three of us went through the house together. Fiorella hasn't seen the estimates yet, but it looks like there's a fair amount of work to be done. 😒
Change in plan--no more chicken-wire fence, just a lot of mulch. It suddenly dawned on Fio that if she wanted to plant something, good ol' boxwoods would work. She's got them planted elsewhere on the property and the deer have never touched them.
Oh, Fiorella forgot to tell you that the Realtor brought a goodly number of boxes for your girl to pack her treasures in, and just in time too because Fio's own resources were petering out. Yep, a lot of plastic bags, Kleenex boxes, and laundry baskets have been pressed into service.
Regarding Fiorella's blog on slapping, her British friend told her that she also had slapped and been slapped. What about you?

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