Saturday, August 29, 2020

From Literary Trump to PoeticTrump

Fiorella is guessing that from now till November, every month there will be a new block-buster tell-all book about Trump or his tribe. Fasten your safety belts!
Fiorella is somewhat exhausted and more than somewhat depressed. All she does, day in and day out is pack things for the move. There was a variation today, though--she climbed ladders to pull nails and push-pins out of her walls, and, being that Fio hangs everything she draws or paints, it took a good while.
     There are still a few nails further up that she couldn't reach, but maybe one of her kids can get them out.
As the time to vacate grows nearer, Fiorella gets more and more nervous. In her adult life, she's lived in five difference homes, and each of them was a step up the scale. This time, she'll be scaling down. *
One thing Fio can tell you after clearing out the desk drawers in the den is that neither she nor her kids nor her grandkids will ever want for writing implements, push pins, staples, or paper clips. In fact, they could build an empire on them.
While Trump is living it up
On the campaign trail,
The Children are still locked up,
Hidden in kiddie jail

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