Monday, August 24, 2020

Fio Is on the Move

Bastrop Son and his brother-in-law came over this afternoon and worked wonders on the yard, mulching like crazy, spreading the crushed granite, and doing general pick ups. Fiorella's heart is overflowing with love, love, love. Now to arrange for Fernando to come move the bricks back into their hiding place up the side of the driveway.😁
Fio may have finally gotten the master bathroom and her office cleared out, but there's still her side of the bedroom closet to go. She also has more places to empty out downstairs, like the front-room desk.
Because Fiorella is half-blind in one eye and the cloth masks tend to ride up and obscure her vision,  she's asked Daughter to get her one of those plastic face masks. You know, the things that look like you've just stepped off a spaceship from Mars. Greetings, Earthlings!
Your faithful correspondent finds it hilarious that Trump has signed up his children and current wife to speak for him at the convention. Wonder who's going to be writing their scripts?
Fiorella is still mourning the loss of her yardman's baby and of her own. The sorrow stays with you forever. There is no balm in Gilead.

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