In the early rays of dawn, when only truth is spoken, Fio woke up realizing her mother had wanted her to be a teacher, but your girl was determined to be a learner--of music, art, language, and literature. So, what's Fiorella doing now? She hasn't followed up on singing or composition lately because her voice is shot and her songs are packed away, and she hasn't follow up on languages because, when she lost her maid, there wasn't anyone to practice with.
So what does that leave? ART AND LITERATURE: the way Fio has decorated her studio and the way she's writing to you right now--and if we're lucky, maybe by Christmas, the piano will be out of storage and your girl can come up with a cute verse.
Confession time: Actually, Fiorella is testing herself out with all these ideas because, having come to a certain age, she wants to make sure she's still with it. (Not that she'll ever understand math, electronics, and the like.)
Your girl's biggest worry right now is that Lolly's story as a whole will be out of date because it's been wrapped up and packed away in garage and storage for about two years. Will readers even be interested in a story that is written like Covid never happened? Fio's trying to get in touch with writers she used to know to see what they think. Wish her well!