Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 Hooray! Fio walked the neighborhood cul-de-sac this afternoon, and IT WAS WARM! Guess that means the dregs of winter are over. Now if she can just get those teeny little black bugs out of her bathroom sink.....

This is a poem Dorothy rote long ago, and don't ask who "she is" is because Fio was still living at home back then:


     Ah, Dorothy, your choice was much too rash:

There are other options I could recommend

Than poison, razors, nooses, guns, or gas

To bring about a graceful, private end

    The suffocation of the spirit's one--

On shallow breaths. hope is inclined to smother,

An assault on the heart can get it done

The strangulation of the soul's another

    Then you still could walk about, though dead--

 A lumbering, slack-jawed zombie, hollow-eyed

You'd grin and bow and nod your foolish head

With no one guessing you're a suicide

     Don't think that, knowing any would be grieved

     My own experience is, they'd be relieved

I've given you this poem before, but it can bare repeating


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