Saturday, December 23, 2023

On and Off

What a wonderful early afternoon with my brother and his wife, who took your girl out and treated her with delicious baked salmon. Then, when she got home, Friend Paula, who lives in Vermont, called on the phone so she and Fio could make attempts at a couple of wobbly carols, then ended up talking about old times teaching at University of Texas, where they first met.

 How the times pass. That set of Christmas carols that Fiorella has dug up was composed when she still lived in Georgetown, probably soon after she had taken a music composition class. But she hopes at least one person will see the light of day when your girl finds herself an available photo-copier.

It would be nice if the frog in your girl's frog throat will jump back into the swamp too. 

And, of course, Fiorella's  hopes this year will be her year to attract friends.

Your girl's fingers are growing weary with messing up her messenger so let's close the door. OK?



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