Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Fiorella has had a hard couple of days so she's taking a day off. It's hard to keep pace when you can't drive, but Son has promised to stop by Walgreen tomorrow and pick up two of her major pills. Still can't think of any way to work with the Christmas cards though.

The Chariot people are very nice, but they couldn't rustle up anyone who would drive Fio to her appointed blood draw with a semi-blood doctor. Your girl thinks she's okay, but who knows?

Then there is the sorrow of the Christmas cards, which Fiorella loves to design and pass out. She decided to use an oldie this year because she was entering the game late, but, as it has turned out, it looks like she won't be able to compete at all because the company she usually used had changed and become more expensive and more complicated. 

Nevertheless, Fiorella, with a big white cat purring in her lap, is determined to make some kind of card this year. As she has often said: pray for her.


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