Saturday, November 5, 2022


 Fiorella is somewhat upset because she still can't find that framed family picture from about forty years ago that she wants to turn into a painting. She remembers it as sitting on her bureau the night before, but when she woke up in the morning, it was gone. Elves?

Your girl finally got the proceeds from the family ranch handed out to the remaining generation. Don't get too excited--Fio and her late husband never saw the place, and the previous generation probably didn't either. Their great-grandfather (an Oklahoma storekeeper) was the one who bought up land whenever he could.

Whoa! Fiorella didn't know there was a Facebook inside of Facebook! That must have happened when she was in the hospital for one reason or another, or maybe when she was totally out of touch during the snow storm and its aftermath.....or maybe while she was moving. But one thing Fio can tell you is that she was completely ignorant of the new situation. Anyone willing to educate her?!!

For a quick change of topic, your girl will admit that she's very nervous about putting foot inside her "new" church tomorrow morning. It's not Lutheran, and she won't know about anyone there or the way they worship. Sure, most of the choir members will probably be present, but Fio hasn't been around long enough for them to recognize her learn her name..

DANG! All in all, Fiorella's plan to take care of more of her needs by herself so Son L will have more time with his wife and child hasn't worked, but she still has a couple more ideas up her sleeve. Wish her well.






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