Saturday, September 10, 2022

Movin' Along....Maybe

 You will not believe it, but Fiorella had a second newspaper in a row delivered to her front lawn today. Austin American Statesman--however you're doing it, keep up the good work and all will be forgiven!

Fio is American through and through, with most of her ancestors coming from places she isn't sure how to spell, but she is torn to pieces by Queen Elizabeth's death. Somehow your girl's brain had assumed that the British queen was immortal, sort of like the Statue of Liberty. After all, while our presidents came and went, Elizabeth remained incarnate. Will the world fall apart without her?

The time grows nearer when your girl will try to dip her brush into the art world of the Senior Activity Center, which makes her both excited and nervous. What if they don't like her style, or the group is so tightly knit that it gives her the cold shoulder? After all, Fio is seeking friends as well as activity.

 Hey--wouldn't it be great if someone in the art class offered her a ride from her house and back?😁

The big white cat which Daughter-in-Law calls George and your girl calls Sweetheart has been following Fio around all day, which is quite flattering but a bit irritating. Right now, he/she is trying to grab Fio's earrings

Looking at a really nice painting she did of a childhood playmate and herself, your girl has decided to sort through her photos for a similar subject, maybe of her children.









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