Friday, March 25, 2022

From Swimming to Domains to Piano to Blood to Coka Cola--(not all at once)

 Fio's mother grew up near a river, but never learned how to swim, so she wanted to make sure her daughter did. Thus we rode a city bus to the Akron YWCA once a week and your girl paddled her heart out--but the lessons stopped when we moved to Waco, which had no such luxuries until a couple of years later, and when Waco's YWCA did finally came into being, you can bet that Mrs. Paule talked with Mom and signed your girl up for swimming lessons along with all the Jewish girls. Happy memories.


Oh, great--your girl's computer is acting up again and tossing it around isn't working the miracles it did before. To make it worse, the family's chief computer master has left town for a couple of days. 😠

 The good news is that Fiorella has taken care of all of her domain problems in one mighty blow, which means she doesn't have to wrestle with that tangle for a year--or is that two years? 

You see the problem here; Fio is as much of an idiot with her domains as as she is anything else having to do with anything else electronic. (For example, that semi-colon above is supposed to be a colon, but the machine has decided otherwise--and so has the period>)


Did Fiorella tell you that she actually got a start on the four-flat piano piece? Wish her luck!

By the way, does anyone play the piano anymore besides Fio?


Tomorrow is your girl's last visit to the blood people--the ones who've been monitoring her for a couple of months so she'd be prepared for the pacemaker--which mean she won't have to call on Cheriot for rides to the doctor's office as much as before. Maybe now Fio will be able to use Chariot as a way to reach out to people she knew when she lived in Austin, lo, these many years ago.


Fio is in love with those small Coka-Cola cans!  She doesn't like to swig down a normal-sized one---it leaves her a little burpy, but the smaller ones are just right--for her, at least. (The computer doesn't like her making up a new adjective--"burpy,"--but your girl stands by it, and remember, she's a bona-fide linguist!)


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