Tuesday, March 1, 2022

From Control to Total Non-control

 Been thinking things over and decided to be more up'n at'm, to control what goes on around me rather than letting myself be controlled. Of course, this has been my goal all along as I've stretched my legs and wings, but learning that my heart has to be reset again has given a me a an extra push and a lot more more momentum. It's nice to record what is going on, but your girl likes to be in the thick of things. WORLD, HERE THE WOMAN COMES AGAIN!

It's also at a good time for her to spread her wings because Fio is finding all sorts of family papers as she sorts out her file cabinets. She's also finding her own papers--OMG, Fiorella was active in almost everything--the church, the newspaper, the neighborhood--it's a wonder Austin survived when she moved out to Gtown. 

Talking with the driver who dropped Fio off at her medical appointment was a gift from heaven. Margaret was compatica from the moment she showed up at Fiorella's front door, and they talked about our concerns re Covid, compared it to the plagues of old, and  dumped on Trump so--of course, your  girl invited her in to see her paintings and gave her one of her book 

CRAP! The heart doctor wants Fiorella in at 6 a.m. to change out her stupid pacemaker, and there's no one available to drive your girl over to the that early so she's put out an SOS and an offer of $100 with Chariot in case they know will fill the bill. Fio also left a message with her sister-in-law, and is wondering if taxi cabs still exist. YOU WOULD THINK THE DOCTOR WOULD HAVE SCHEDULED  LATER THAN THE BREAK OF DAWN!



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