Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Good and the Bad

 Your girl suddenly realized that, with her recent studio work, her taking control of her own mental health, and her piano practice--which is now bearing semi-musical fruit--she is taking even more steps toward her recovery from the traumas of yesteryear. LOOK OUT WORLD--FIO WILL RISE AGAIN!

In anticipation of her return, Fiorella is also working on her posture and runny nose so she'll look her best on television. 😁

More good news--Fiorella's free ride service has found a driver, Bobby, who can take her to her doctor's appointment today!  Now to figure out how she can get to tomorrow's appointment with a dermatologist

BEGINNING OF THE END: Bobby left your girl at the doctors' office, but it was the wrong office and she had to hobble all over the place looking for the right one, which was hard to do with her gimpy knee, and afterwards, she had to get back to the wrong office for Bobby to pick her up.

MORE BAD NEWS: Cheriot is having problems attracting drivers, which means that Fio may have to start attracting drivers on her own. Wonder what the going rate is for a high school kid with a fresh, new driver's license?

TO TOP IT OFF, daughter and sister-in-law have broken it to Fiorella that there is, of yet, no self-driving car😞




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