Tuesday, January 4, 2022

 Fiorella wants to live as long Betty White did and, like her model, enjoy every step along the way, no matter what!😁

There are things Fio wants to do and things she has to do, and--dang it--her conscience usually wins out!πŸ˜’

You want to know how Loony Tunes your girl is? She's concocted a theory that everyone and everything is sentient to some degree and wants to be of good use. Example: whenever your girl went outside, the fallen oak leaves would cry out to her so what could she do but gather the best of them together and concoct the aforementioned window whirlwind, then make a bouquet for her bedroom door out of the leftovers?😊

Going through the mess on top of her desk, Fio found not only the phone number of an old friend, but a cache of Dump Trump buttons, a Father Christmas ornament which didn't make it to the tree, yet another mask, a Duracell battery, almost a whole ream of blank paper, and more and more. Wondering what she'll find when she opens the drawer itself. Garage sale anyone?πŸ˜•

Going through her desk today has reminded Fiorella of what a firecracker she was--and can still be. Watch out world! Er... will you pay her bail?😒

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