Sunday, October 31, 2021

Gets It All From His Mother

 HAPPY HALLOWEEN and wish Fiorella well--she's dedicating today to rereading Lolly's story and, as she remembers, it gets pretty ragged toward the end. Her ultimate goal is to have all the pages shaped up and ready for beta readers by the middle of November--which, of course, translates to early December in your girl's world. 

You'll be glad to hear that Granddaughter has settled on what costume she will wear for trick-or-treating this evening--it's Little Red Ridinghood, the same bright red outfit she had on yesterday. Hoping this means she will maintain a loyal and decisive personality as she grows older...and will always choose a bold color😋

Ye gads! The medical powers-that-be have prescribed yet another four-per-day pill on Fio, which brings her up to sixteen a day. With that much sour going down your girl's gullet, don't you think she needs more sweets to balance everything out? Like maybe left-over Halloween candy of the chocolate variety? 😃

Clever, clever Fiorella bought an orange angel food cake at HEB yesterday with the thought that the whole family would share it as a "Halloween cake," but as with many of her ventures, this one fell flat. Better luck next time, kiddo....

(Son L, a professional artist, showed me a sample of the work he does, and I am proud to say that artistically, he's a chip off the old gene pool.)







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