Sunday, October 10, 2021


Fio has paints and brushes now so she's been playing around with a picture that she'd painted years ago of her first home in Ohio, and she thinks she's improved on it. (The painting, not the house 😁).

Your girl is chomping at the bit to get going on Halloween decorations, but WHERE ARE THEY? In storage, in the garage? Just let Fio know and swoop in after them and she'll take care of the rest. And, while we're on the subject, when are we going to decorate the front door? That's one of Fio's specialties 😊.

Fiorella has changed around her bedroom for a better fit, but now she has to re-think the whole scene, which means that she's spending a fair amount of time staring at the new scene, which isn't quite right. (Remember, relentless staring is how Fio works things out 😐).

EEEEEEK! WHERE IS FIO's LITTLE PINK BOOK,  THE ONE SHE KEEPS HER FRIENDS' BIRTHDAYS IN?  Hiding along with your girl's Halloween decorations? 😕

When Sonia goes to dog heaven and is asked what her name is, she'll probably say "Good Dog," which is just what she is 😇.




Mommy is betting that when Sonja Dog goes home to rest and God asks her what her name is, she'll answer "GOOD GIRL," because that's what Fio usually calls her and exactly what she is 💗.

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