Thursday, October 17, 2024


 PLEASE VOTE FOR OUR GIRL KAMALA! Don't let You Know Who get us messed up again. Remember how he was actually having people KILLED when he was trying to stay in the White House, and remember what a great admirer of Putin he is. (Why is the computer giving me a cross-OUT?)


 Dang! I've lost my watch, the only one that is running! It's silver. Let me know if you see it.....


Fio has been working on decorating the in-side and outside of the house most of the day, as you probably were. After pawing through last year's jumbles, your girl was able to put together a rather clever outside decoration for the front dour, then start adding black and orange at the front, then move back and forth to add item after item. Tomorrow your girl will probably finish off the scene with a couple of witches ---smiling, of course.


The neighborhood Fiorella lives in usually celebrates Halloween in a more adult way--the grown up men can be quite rowdy. Fio liked it better when only a group of children from the neighborhood begged and everyone knew everyone else. (Sorry to be so repetitive, but it's my personal peeve.)


Your girl has been doing a lot of thinking between the above and bedtime. SHE HAS TO BECOME MORE ACTIVE, but to be so, she has to get a GET A DRIVER! WHERE DOES SHE GET IT???


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