Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 WOW! Son L took over Fio's computer for a while, and it's working better than ever! THANK YOU!

The sun is shining hard, the trees are waving around like maniacs, and there is not a soul outside. Texas is just not used to this kind of weather. (In the Ohio of her youth, her mother would have bundled her up in thick clothes and sent her out to play.) 

Yeah! Fio settled down to pay with Son L's pug dogs, called older son (and his wife) who live in Minnesota, and had a nice talk, and, in a few minutes, will be sitting down at the table for supper: salmon, her favorite😛 

LATER; The salmon was fabulous, of course, but, Fiorella always wants MORE of it! (Please write that down for when you invite her for dinner.)

Don't tell anyone, but Fio broke one side of her glasses. Luckily, it doesn't matter because she put Scotch Tape on the damaged area, her "bad" side.




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