Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Fio decided to start painting again, pulled out all her brushes, then located her paints...and discovered that the only ones left she had were oil colors, which she had stopped using at least ten years ago. Oh well, there's a place in town that sells acrylic, but she will have to get a driver, which may be difficult. Ah, the tortures of not being able to drive anymore 😢

The other torture is, of course, the continuing heat. Why weren't we better warned about it? And to change the subject, what in the world happened to our president? Surely he could have been better prepared. But no matter what, your girl will NEVER vote for Trump.

 What next? Will our planet explode? Not before your girl gets a few more paintings to her name, she hopes!

That's all for today. Best wishes to all.



Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Yes, Fio is going crazy, crazy. crazy because there is nothing for her to do and she can't walk around more than ten minutes a day. WHERE DID THIS HUMIDITY COME FROM and HOW CAN SHE GET AWAY FROM IT? 

Your girl been hiding in her bedroom for the most part, watching and re-watching old TV movies, which run out quick. Luckily. the house is air-conditined to the hilt because Fiorella is one of pale skin and bad temper.


(There's a misspelling too....)

NO MY TEA...........

 Fiorella don't know about you, but she is still out of her mind with the weather!  Son L said it will come back to "normal" in about a month or so, but Fiorella was born in Ohio, and she needs a breeze or two sooner ruffling her hair than that! 

Which brings up another problem: what if our air conditioning or television gives out? (Your girl is already half crazy about having to watch "Murder, She Rote" every time she turns around.)

That's all, unless Fio finds something else to complain about.........


Grumpy Again.......

 Fio went through all her belongings today and was shocked at the things she'd forgotten about--like all her art stuff, that she used to live by. She had even forgotten about the multitude of paints that she used for holidays! And the saddest thing is that it happened bit by bit, and now your girl doesn't know if she can rescue the leftovers.

The brushes are in great shape and there are a lot of paintings lying around, but no NEW ones.....and no new customers either. Fiorella just doesn't live in an area that is interested in paintings. Their children aren't old enough yet.

SOOOOOO..... your girl has a fairly good collection on red and green paper for Christmas, but that's it.

Correction: There's a whisper of decoration between Halloween and Easter .


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trying To Put Things Together.....

 Fio has to confess it. Your girl had planed to watch the Biden/Trump free-for-all, but after a day preparing, she backed off. The news will be available tomorrow. (You know, of course, that Biden would be Fio's choice.)

Aside from taking some mail to the local pick-up, Fiorella hasn't done anything but watch TV and pray today. It's the doggone heat----but Son L has assured me the scenario will clear up in a about a month. AGH! AN ENTIRE MONTH?!! 

Yes, Fiorella is thinking of taking up painting again, but first she wants to fix some of her older canvases, like the picture of the house that she and her brother lived in when they were kids in Ohio.

This is all for today. It's been unbelievably dull....your girl wishes she had a big fluffy dog.







Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Your girl has been going through old newspapers today (as she prays for Biden) and getting ready to reorganize her work room. She hasn't gotten to her desk yet, but it will be a doozy, hopefully.

Fio's basic problem, as you remember, is that she doesn't drive and has a hard time making friendsgetting her clever comments past anyone's front door. GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Changing the subject, Fiorella would love to have some dress-up clothes and a nice church lady to attend church with, of course. (Maybe even a nice lady Fio has known before.)

ARGH! Where in the world is that hot wind come from? And WHY! (Fio still thinks it is from the Eclips....or maybe Trump's unending bluster!)

By the way, if you aren't eating strawberries now, clear the shelves on them. They are delicious this year!






Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Your girl is spending most of her time today praying that Biden will be getting good training. Please pray along with me. We don't need a jailbird for our President!

Fiorella will be a little misty during this year. The last time she watched the nomination on TV, it was with her late husband quite a while back. Biden really took Trump down, but it seems that "his majesty" will be using every nasty trick in the book and more so. What are people in other countries thinking about us?

Changing the subject, Fio thinks she'll be picking up her brushes and doing a little painting again for the family and maybe for people in the neighborhood. We'll see......



Monday, June 24, 2024


 Fiorella is tired of just sitting around and is planning to set herself up with painting again. Wish her well!

This horrible weather is driving her crazy, and apparently it's going to stay. Wonder if your girl could pursued the family to move to Alaska.....

Fio is on pins and needles about the Tromp/Biden free-for-all. What kind of nastiness will Trump spring on Biden, and will the people watching the show realize that Trump is the same nasty number he's always been?

Fio has been playing around with the piano a bit. Maybe she'll turn out some more songs by Christmas time, but maybe not....

That's all your girl has to say today. Hope she'll be more interesting tomorrow.











Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Not too good a day, but Fio stocked up on her food, thank goodness--lots of cookies, milk, carrots, and a leftover piece of turkey too--but still no friend. Son and his family have gone off to a movie again as far as your girl understands. At least JoJo, Fiorella's ever faithful stuffed panda bear is still perched at the foot of her bed.

By the way, Fio is thinking of doing some painting again. She has a couple of pictures she'd like to put finishing touches on too, and one big one that is scares her.

Did Fiorella tell you that she washed her own "blue suede shoes" herself and they look GREAT!

Am nervous about the Biden/Trump rumble. Hoping that Biden wins, but Trump can be nasty, nasty, nasty! 

Remember the two-story house that your girl designed some time ago? It was so great, if Fio says so her self: a raised hearth, in the room with a raised hearth, a desk and cabinets under the stairs, a comfortable  kitchen, a dining room, nice bathrooms, a library, and a sweet foyer and foyer. SIGH!


OOH, There was a B I G garage too!





Friday, June 21, 2024


How about a happy combination of dark blue shorts and bright red shirt to visit her favorite doctor this afternoon? After all, it's June, and July is next--Fio's birthday--but she isn't telling you her age! 

Ah, the days past, like the ones when her family lived in Ohio and Mom would decorate the basement with crepe paper. Later, when we moved to Texas, and a little older, and didn't have a basement, Mom would put together a party in our dining room  or back yard. And what did Fiorella do for her offspring? THE WORKS! 

Hmmm....Your girl doesn't remember any magnificent "mother birthday parties" for her ........

Changing the subject, Fio really wonders if any of her romances are still available. Would love to know.

This is hilarious: Son just brought in sixteen letters from the mail box





Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Should I write a poem today....

What is it I have to say?

As always, that I have no friend

With whom to play


It's hard for me to sit and wait

For people who are running late, 

Especially if I am without

A thing to do to pass the time,

Except to look the room about 

And scribble  down this silly rhyme


 I'm just another wannabe

Loaded with personality

Headed for immortality 

One way or another, eventually


Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 George, the cat is nice, but he doesn't quite fit the bill as a pal.......but maybe Fio's favorite doctor would! YES, THE ONE WHO INSTRUCTED HIS NURSE TO SET UP APPOINTMENT FOR FIO A WHILE BACK that she couldn't attend!

Did Fiorella tell you that she had discovered about four nice pairs of shorts in the bottom drawer of her closet and that they're all just the right size for her? But never-the-less, Fio would prefer a little more rain and a little less sunshine. But then, so would everyone else.....

Your girl has been looking over some of her leftover romances and wondering if she could actually join the club again, but the same old problem keeps popping up again and again: no transportation." Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 

In the meantime, Fiorella will continue to move upward, upward, upward!





Monday, June 17, 2024


 Fio has messed up somehow because faithful Raquel has not appeared and whisked your girl off to H-E-B to replenish her cupboard, and unfortunately, Fiorella's stored food is almost all used up. Hoping tomorrow will be a turnabout. Will let you know how it all comes out. (Is Fio making any sense?)

Your girl needs a calendar, the likes of which she was over-running with with earlier in the season. 

The heat has really gotten Fiorella down......and apparently it's not going to give up. Fiorella grew up in Central Texas, but at least we had big, old fans! Couldn't God send us a leftover?

On the other hand, Fio has had a good time showing of her cute shorts (which she found hidden in a drawer) 😉

Strangely, your girl hasn't painted or composed much lately. And she's very sad. WHY? BECAUSE SHE NEEDS A FRIEND!




Friday, June 14, 2024


Dream dream, dream: Fio's brother and sister-in law are taking your girl to a musical over the weekend! GOSH! Fio hasn't been to a show for a long time and may end up jumping onto the stage and singing along with the cast!

WHEN WILL THE HEAT EVER END? Has the world ever done anything like this before No matter what the scientists say, your girl can't help but wonder if the heavy heat is due to the eclipse! ( In the meantime, Fio has to decide what to wear.) 

Speaking of singing, Fiorella still doesn't have a place she can release her vocal chords to full volume😕.  Any suggestions? (P.S. She's written some music too.)

But those days are past. Your girl's major problem is that her left eye has gone bad, which means she can't drive like she used to. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

 Yes, Fio knows she must hire a driver, and she will, she will.









Wednesday, June 12, 2024

OLDIES BUT GOODIES (Probably More to Play With)

1) I'm getting board, board, board

Looking toward, toward, toward

The ceiling, ceiling, ceiling

Which is not at all revealing

2) But what else can I do

My choices are new

And few


 Earlier poems

   I walk with sudden dignity--

   I know not why or how

   All I know is that I know--

   I am a woman now...


The day was bright with sunshine

The foliage gemmed with green

The grass was far too to walk

The sidewalk was too clean---

And I was filled with consciousness

Of what could not be seen--

   A soul is racked with birth pains

    Before the truth is born

    A sky is  racked with heavy rains

    Before the dawn of morn    

I don't drink beer

I don't drink wine

But ply me with chocolate 

And I am thine

    I walk with sudden dignity

    I know not why or how--

     All I know is that I know

     I am a woman now

Monday, June 10, 2024

I'm Afraid

 Everything has gone to pot, but at least Fio's computer was fixable. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 What does Fiorella want? How about LOCAL FRIENDS she can TALK with, and a nice, big DOG she can LOVE, and an ART group SHE CAN JOIN, and a MUSIC group SHE CAN JOIN--all of which can provide her with TRANSPORTATION? PLEASE! 

Hmm....she needs someone to remind her how to put pictures of her FaceBook friends up on the pages too. 

SonL and his wife are off to a visit with one of his wife's old friends so your girl was going through old cards, etc. You know--the type that bring tears to you eyes----and some of them were ones Fiorella had composed......

THE HEAT! WILL IT EVER GO AWAY?!! On second thought, will your girl ever get a nice dress again! On third thought, will she ever get a chance to wear her (mother's) mink again?

On fourth thought, will Fio ever write a romance story again? 






Friday, June 7, 2024

From Salman to Joe!

 Fio is having hard times, it seems, so please have mercy on her: he's hoping that a salman or two will emerge from the oven for her to gobble up. She's also uneasy about the two very important envelopes she scooted to the mailbox.

Your girl is doing her best to clean up her bedroom and rearrange her study, which is where she does all her painting,,,,,,,which hasn't been much  lately. It's hard to construct a majestic scene when there's no one around to compliment you. (As you can tell, Fio is trying to analyse herself. )

 Don't you just adore those cute little tablets that are springing up everywhere FREE?

Somehow, Fiorella thought the heavy heat (in Texas) would have calmed down a little by now, but noooo, it's worse than ever, which astounds her. I mean, it's like a FIRE!










Thursday, June 6, 2024

Problems Right and Left!

 Fiorella is thinking about picking up her paint-brush and putting some touch-ups on the sketch she was  working on one of her childhood home in Ohio years ago. Then there's the huge, family-size picture of the whole family that Fiorella has been looking at every now and then.

 Hmm..., maybe a painting  of Granddaughter would be better (if she would stand still.)

Change the subject. The weather down here in Texas is horribly hot right now. I wonder if its because of the Eclipse.

Change the subject again. Dang, my computer was running low and it took a while to find out which line was working!

Maybe Fiorella should write a poem for tomorrow.



Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 Your girl is thinking about making a visit to Waco, where she mostly grew up, but she knows everything would be different and she'd cry......

Right now, Fio is doing nothing, absolutely nothing, but pray for Biden, although knowing Waco, she's guessing that the other candidate is the one that the majority of the town will favor.

Fio went to the blood doctor today and guess what! She's right on the spot......and doesn't have to come back in for another draw for a month! WOW! She can spend her time saying nasty things about Trump... and his....uh....."lady friend"......

Now that your girl has finished sweeping out her bedroom, she'll start on the closet, which will take a little more time. Then, there's the display room, where she keeps most of her art. If you are around, Fio will give you😊 a tour.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, June 3, 2024


 I wish that I could move away

Where there is not a soul to say:

There she goes again today

To waste her worktime at the bay

All she ever does is play




Sunday, June 2, 2024


Your girl is still in the game, and she's THRILLED about things so far.  Biden, you are a clever one,😁 and Trump, you are a looser!😠


Now to get back to Fio and her life, which, unlike Biten's and Trump's, hasn't been moving well lately. In fact, your girl is now sprawled out on her bed with the newspaper open in front of her in hopes that miracle wings will appear from above carrying a load of clever entendres. But then,  Biten has used them all up and Trump probably wouldn't understand them.


Now that Fiorella has cleared the way for Biden to remain as President (whew!), let's get back to normal living, like FIORELLA NEEDS SOME NEW PAIRS OF SHOES AND A VISIT TO A BEAUTY SALON, ALSO A LADY FRIEND😋 AND A GENTLEMAN CALLER....... OR TWO😊


Actually, she's also like to see what kind of books are on the market today. Do romances still rule the women's section, and where can Fio them? Have they changed in the past five years? Would Fiorella be able to get in touch with some of her old pals?


Ah, and how about ta-da: a nice medium-sized dog that will grow to be a big one!