Saturday, April 27, 2024


What should Fio tell you---that she thinks she's run out of her usual material and is grinding her teeth for something new? That she may have lost one of her black suede shoes, and that white won't do? That, on the other hand, she finally found the gloves that she lost last fall? DO EVERYONE'S CLOSETS  LOOK LIKE HERS???

Your girl is now at one of her bedroom walls, the one that she's taped and nailed her various notes on. Maybe it will get a re-do too? Maybe FIO will get a re-do.

As Fiorella was going through scattered pages in a forgotten corner, she discovered all sorts of half-written plots for romances, etcetera....but are readers still interested in romance anymore?

The cat has settled himself on the bed beside Fio, but will he speak?

And, again, your girl will try to do a better job tomorrowđź’—


Hey, Fio found some interesting entertainment going through her left-overs, and one of her favorite short shorts she named "Paradise."

      Heaven was, well, heavenly. Each day was just as wonderful as the day before. The sunrise was always a blushing gold, the sunset, a drama of orange and black, while the grass was always green and smelled of eternal spring. George golfed with his spirit guide every day and always won. His wife never whined and his children were always polite, obedient, and happy.

     Everything was the same, day after day, after day.In fact, after a while perfection became somewhat boring.

     "I really didn't realize heaven would be so much the same all the time, "George finally said to his spirit guides.

     His guide looked at him in surprise. "What made you think this is heaven?"


And another one that just burst out of my brain--

     Sometimes I want to grow up

     Sometimes I want to grow down

     Sometimes I want to be 

     All over the town

     And wear a golden crown--

          But most, of all, I want to be

          Someone who is truly loved by me




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