Sunday, September 3, 2023


Your girl just discovered that she can't watch an interesting old-time movie and and write a blog at the same time. "Columbus" will just have to wait.....

In case you are wondering, Fiorella puts on her clothes and makes her bed as soon as she gets up every morning, then chooses her outfit  for the day, then--because she doesn't have  a chair in her small bedroom--snuggles up on her bed like a teen anger and types out what's happening in her world. Of course, she never tells all. The family needs a certain amount of privacy.

Right now, Fio is gazing at the inside wall of her bedroom, which is peppered with three yards of things she doesn't want to forget: birthdays, phone numbers, art pieces, pictures, etc. Your girl's mother would give her a good talking to about her overkill if she were still around....but in a way, she IS still around because Fio has pictures of her (and Dad) everywhere.

Actually, Fiorella is a little down right now. The person whom Pastor thought would give your girl a ride to church didn't show. Hmm...maybe your girl was supposed to call her....

German: This is interesting! The German word for "student" is......Student

Where the Heart Leads

The temperature was in the seventies, the sky was studded with happy-looking clouds, the hum of the road was as a good yoga session, and the refrain of "Della's Prayer" echoed in the coridors of her mind:

If I sing enough, if I pray enough, if I am very, very good, 

Maybe everything will turn out as I hope it will,

 As it should, as it should




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