Monday, October 3, 2022

Oops! Forgot To Title This Blog

 Aha! Fiorella finally found her Sunday newspaper--half under her bed--where it had landed when she'd dropped e v e r y t h i n g while she was gathering together all the items she needed for the sudden "most dos" of the evening, which--as item after item came up--got piled higher and higher, not only on her list, but also on Son L's. It's like a tornado.

Of course, the scuttling around took a fair amount of time away from your girl's daily attempts to regain her singing voice, but she still has three months to go before she decides to whether on not to try caroling this year. Ah, for the days when Fio would gather together some of her lady friends and lead them from house to house. 

Come to think of it, the church that Fio has thrust herself upon will probably have something of the same planned, and if your girl continues to participate in their practices, maybe she can work something out. She would rather not change her sworn religious allegiance, but she would have no hesitation about dropping some bills into the plate.

Why is Fio talking about Christmas when Halloween is closer at hand? Because, religious references aside, the two images are similar, with one represented by a humanoid figure--a jolly fat man--and the other by a rail-thin old crone. Their behaviors are totally different too. While Santa gives away treats, a witch demands them. They also have opposite ways of transportation: Santa gets around in a prancing sleigh while witches prefer magic broomsticks. 

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