Tuesday, September 22, 2020


It was a bleak day. Fio's eyelids were heavy and her brain was sodden--then her daughter called her and said that chocolate cookies were on the way. What more could (burp) Fiorella ask for? 💗


For the past two days, Fio has used the den as a staging area for packing kitchen and den clean-outs, but today, she'll put away her duct tape and concentrate on making both of these two rooms semi-respectable again.


Sonia Dog often sleeps upstairs in the master bedroom while Fiorella sleeps on the couch downstairs, but in the morning, the first thing Doggie dies is bark loudly, then hurry down to check on her Mommy. 💗


Off a country

The true measure

Of a country

Is how it treats its greatest treasure

The children


Fiorella's strongest voice is her pen.

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