Saturday, December 7, 2019

Christmas Season Minutia

If there's one thing your technology-challenged friend has learned, it's that there's always a back door that she can open up--or escape through.
Speaking of technology, Fiorella found herself picking up the TV remote yesterday, and, mistaking it it for a phone, she panicked when she couldn't remember how to dial somebody on it. Face it--there are just too dang many black plastic gadgets with numbers on them lying around the house.
Fio's on a winning streak--she found a water-proof red paint that she can use for her CHRISTMAS GREETINGS sign, was moved to the head of the line in the post office by  the people in front of her when they learned she was just buying Christmas stamps, was complimented on her car by a young woman who'd never seen a Miata before, came up with a brainstorm idea for the first verse of her yearly Christmas sonnet, gave out four DUMP TRUMP buttons along the way, then came home and ate three chocolate rounds. BURRRRRP.
How weird--our "autumn" was cold, cold, cold, and our "winter" season has been quite warm. Fio was wearing a heavy jacket this time last month, and now the heaviest thing she's wearing is a long-sleeved shirt.
Fiorella has self-diagnosed herself with tinnitus, which is when one hears music that isn't there, but it's not bothering her because the songs change with the seasons. Right now, she's hearing distant Christmas carols...all is calm, all is bright....

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