Thursday, November 1, 2018

According to Directions

Fiorella is practicing transfering pictures from her cell phone to her blog, which takes eighteen steps in all. Above is a partial shot of her art gallery on the walls above the stairs to the second floor. Fio did the two acrylics--the white house which, as she remembers, was on Springdale Road, and the woman eating the apple, who was herself many years ago. She also did the oil portrait of Husband in the upper right corner. Younger son did the water-color nude on the right and the digital exercise in the center. The water color, bottom middle, was a wedding present from Hal Normand by Hal Normand, the upper oil painting on the side was an inheritance from Husband's family, and the abstract below it is a painting by a UT art professor.

Brace yourself. There's more to come.

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