Friday, February 3, 2017

Catching Up on Fiorella

Fiorella wants a self-driving car. It would solve a lot of problems for her, especially since she can't drive at night anymore, especially since she has no central vision in her left eye, especially since it would have a built-in GPS.
With frequent posts, daily responses, and four poems, your Fio has made something of a political splash on Facebook, And to think, the only reason she got on the site was because, four years ago, her literary agent told her to.
Fio is having a great time watching El Color de la Pasion, a Spanish-language telenovela, not that she can understand mucho mas than the actores' facial expressions and tones of voice, but it helps that she knows most of the characters' names and familial relationships. However, she's still trying to figure out who Ligia is and why Amador killed her.
Has Fio told you there's a FOURTH Starbucks in Georgetown? And that it is REALLY posh? Wow--if there are four Starbucks in Gtown, which isn't that big, how many are there in Austin?
Fio and Husband are going to send their spittle off to tomorrow. The results should be hilarious.

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