Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fudge to the Rescue!

Yo-ho-ho!  Friend Jeanell is feeling G-O-O-D!

It may be Fiorella's chocolate fudge, or it may be that Jeanell has been working so hard on WHERE THE HEART LEADS this past week that she's finally in the zone. Chapter five, the ranch chapter, the one Jeanell has been tearing her hair out on and dedicated two months to researching, actually reads half-decently, and she's pulled together the restaurant scene too.  That means the first hundred pages are slick--not submission slick yet, but getting there,

The next hundred will take more time, maybe a week--they're disconnected--but that will leave two weeks for the last hundred pages, which are definitely wobbly. After that comes a whole month of razor-sharp revising before Jeanell sends the manuscript off to her editor.

Wish her well.

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