Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Still No Swags

Yesterday's Christmas decorating, of course, did not gone as planned.  To Fio's credit, the driveway garlands are up, and the mantel is now populated by a manger scene, a small village of old Avon miniatures, and several pine cones.  Fio even got a couple of wreaths in place on the windows and front door, but she didn't locate the outside snowflakes until after her hip started hurting so it was no go in that department.

Fio will be away for about five hours today, but she still hopes to get a few things done--maybe the snowflakes and the rest of the wreaths.  It looks like the greenery swags--over doorways and the big dining room window, running up the stairs--will have to wait.

And yes, Fio never finishes until the 24th, but she makes up for it by leaving her decorations up through January.

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