Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thorougly Un-modern Millie

Since Fio seems to be in a self-revelatory mood, she'll confess that she's hopelessly out of date with popular culture.  She stopped going to movies years ago when she was working four jobs and taking care of a family.  Her favorite TV show is Big Bang Theory,  which she discovered five years after it premiered.  She's never worn thongs except back then that was what flip-flops were called. She's never squeezed herself into a bustier or a bikini.   Her nails are never manicured unless Daughter herds her to her favorite salon, and her toenails have never been any color but the one they were born with.

But it isn't just personal.  Fio also doesn't know how to do anything with a cell phone but talk, and, to her, a computer is just for writing.  She did play Tetrus on her computer several years ago, but asked Husband to remove it when she started dreaming about those falling dealies while she slept.

Maybe Fio isn't the source of the time warp--maybe pop culture is out of touch with Fio!


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