Thursday, June 25, 2009

Parental Delinquency

Frankly, Fiorella thinks Jon and Kate are well-matched. They are both immature and none-too-bright. She has new balloons in her breasts and he has new hardware in his ears. He has hair plugs and she has--well, whatever she has in her hair.

And both of them yammer on about how it's all about the kids. Yeah, the kids had to have a 14-room house on 23 wooded acres. Yeah, the kids insisted on wearing new matching outfits every time the camera flicked on. Yeah, the kids asked for all those dream vacations and visiting TV stars. Yeah, the kids asked for Mom and Dad to be gone all the time so they could interact with paid staff. Yeah, the kids asked for their parents to fight the battle of the tabloids, then divorce.

Of course the show will go on. But it's not for the kids. It's for Jon and Kate to be able to pursue their individual shallow interests.

What wonderful parental role models.

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