Sunday, September 15, 2024



 Fiorella is a generous sort of person, but it's getting ridiculous when change from nickles-on-up are included in the envelopes as incitement to contribute more!

 Your girl went out walking today, but only for a half of the cul-de-sac (puff, puff, gag, gag, gag.)  Fio has been looking at the map she put up in the hall and is of dreaming of Alaska, but then, who isn't? (Except you, Paula!)



Fio is so board that she went through her checks, then wondered if she should send another another check on  two to Kamala.

Son is going to cook a salmon for your girl this evening.  It's odd--Fiorella's parents NEVER ate fish, and salmon is one of their daughter's favorite foods now. (Her late husband introduced her to it.....and a few other things😊.)

THAT'S ALL FIO CAN THINK TO SAY. Life isn't very interesting in her world....but eventually.  Fiorella will make it so.........















Friday, September 13, 2024


Yes, Fiorella took a walk today--not the complete cul de sac like before the climate change struck--but a proud halfway (because she was able to walk the path at all!)

Your girl has two big, round, lovely, silver lamps in her bedroom that would be much more useful if your girl could track down some matching lamps for them.

Fio is wondering if she too could be on TV again if she'd stayed with her Waco High debate class. Don't laugh: she beat out all the other girls in her age range, then dropped debate and signed up for music.

Fiorella begs your pardin for continually dosing you with her life's story, but she's pretty much boxed in and doesn't get out very much. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!,






Thursday, September 12, 2024

Olden Times

 Fio is still happy, happy, happy about Kamala's performance and hopes she has more up her sleeve. 

Your girl also wants to let everyone know that Paul Bolton, Fiorella's father-in-law, made sure that when Johnson became President, he shook Fio's hand along with the rest of the family's.

Oh, and Fio is pretty sure Mrs. Johnson came to her wedding ....and that sort of scared Fiorella's mother.

Did your girl a ever tell you that she was a debate champion?

                         Ah, olden days, never to be seen again.




Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nothing to Talk About

 Fio thought it was pathetic when Trump, toward the end of the debate with the delightful Kamala Harris, started naming various of his important connections, like, pal, Vladimir Putin.😝

Nothing more to say except HURRAY!

















Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 SonL drove Fio to her doctor's office to get her blood checked, feeding her along the way.

Later in the day, he cooked some delicious salmon for supper for your girl's supper.

 Right now, your girl is waiting for the television battle between Harris and Trump. 

Need Fiorella say more?


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Movin' On

 Whoopee! Fiorella was able to able to take her (minor) cul-de-sac walk this morning with only a bit of a twinge, which means she'll be able to cover the whole course sooner rather than later.πŸ˜›

Whahoo! Fio is betting on Kamala Harres, and hopes you are too. (By now you know that your girl absolutely ABHORS Trump.) 😑

OOPS! Something just dropped from the side of Fiorella's overloaded bed (which she is lying on) and she thinks it was one of her paintings. 😞

Saved by the bell: it was a Kleenex box.  πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

Some of your girl's languages have been popping out lately and she's both happy and distressed.😁



Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Fio had a bad time today so she's gonna entertain you with this little gem she wrote a while backπŸ˜‹


Once upon a time there was a slender young woman, a good woman, who was married to the man of her dreams. Her best friend was fat and unmarried.

"If you lost some weight, your true nature would be revealed and you would be able to attract a husband as wonderful as mine," the slender young woman said. "I will help you." 

So, with the encouragement of her friend, the fat woman dieted away one hundred pounds to become a devastating beauty. She was so devastating, in fact, that she was able to seduce her friend's husband.

"How could you do this to me?" the slender young woman complained to her formerly fat friend. "I have always been a good friend to you, and I was the one who helped you diet to reveal your true nature."

"Yes," the woman smiled sweetly, "but my true nature is evil."


Friday, September 6, 2024

From Toilet to Austronauts to Teachers to Trump

 It's getting a better day to day for Fiorella...except that the front toilet is stopped up. Your girl tried plunging it, but it still didn't work so Son L took over and discovered that the bowl was damaged

Surprise! It never dawned on Fio that a toilet could damage itself. But, as luck would have it, this house has three toilets----and your girl figured out how to unlock the "for-visitors-only" one when the rest of the family was out on a jaunt..πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ

Those astronauts....Fiorella hopes everything will go well with them. Of so, Fio would like to hitch a ride the next time around. 

😊Your girl has received a letter addressed to her and her late husband as "MR." and "DR." apparently assuming her husband was the male. Sorry, Texas Retired Teachers, but Fiorella is a female.

Trump---he's going down, and what will anger him the most is that his conqueror will not only be a woman, but a woman of many cultures.






Thursday, September 5, 2024

Again, Not Much to Say Today

 Wahooh! Now that Fio is on the mend, she took a VERY SHORT walk up to the mailbox at noon today and survived! Her next self-assignment will be to find out the name of the young girl who helped her up when she bit the dust-----and compliment her to her parents.

Your girl has decided to talk to Son L and his wife about her doing some cooking for herself. 

Has Fiorella ever told you that every night, she sleeps with a big, black and white Panda that she bought when she first came back to Austin? His name is JoJo, he has a nice smile, and is very comforting. 








Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 Fio has just now mailed her envelope off to the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews, but she now wonders if it's the second one, which doesn't really matter because Mr. and Mrs. Paule were virturaly second parents to your girl.

Oops! George, the handsome white cat, is sitting on Fio's bed, purring as if your girl is a queen, which is just fine with your Fio, but Fiorella knows that he'll be into the kitchen lickety-split if a cat food can is opened. (Dogs are a little more mannerly, but it depends on what food is being offered.)

Your girl was wearing a University top today: orange and white. Not that Fio was ever a football fan, but back then, but it was the only way to pick up a prospective husband back then--which Fio did.πŸ’— 

 Strangely, Fiorella accidentally married into a prominent Austin family, which made things easier in some ways but harder in others. Initially, she was told that Fio was not the sort of girl the family expected their son to marry. (but never the less, they gradually accepted your girl.... and even became somewhat proud of her!)

Fio would like to tell you that, from then on, everything was Humpty Dumpty, but it was not to be. The whole family fell apart, even Fiorella, when an unknown, lone teenager climbed to the top of the college tower and started shooting, killing the family's pride and joy, who had just graduated from high school. And no one in the family has ever really recovered....including Fiorella.





Tuesday, September 3, 2024


     Fio is recovering well from the trip-over, but she is still a little wobbly when she goes around a corner--which is why she never made it in Girl's Athletics.

      Looking outside her window, Fiorella can see the trees swaying like the wor1d is coming to the end--hmm, could your girl write a story about it? 

      WOW! The storm is going strong now and the lights are fluttering! See you tomorrow--maybe!




Monday, September 2, 2024


 Fio took a tumble yesterday and her knees are aching. No real damage though, because she had taken a couple of tumbles a while back and gotten herself fitted with metal knees tucked into her knees. On the other hand though, it was embarrassing to fall down in the middle of the street.

Luckily, a nice teenager from across the street rushed to your girl's rescue and Son L appeared on the scene to help your girl back to the house. Will this stop Fiorella from taking her daily walk? OF COURSE NOT!

Have you gotten your covid shot yet? Yes, it's going around again, and Fio needs to start talking to Son L about it. He survived it last year shot-less, but Fio is a bit more fragile.

While her family was off visiting their god-daughter's family, Fiorella straitened out the pill bottles in her bedroom, which was quite a trial because The Powers That Be had made a mistake in passing them out  and your girl did not get her daily major pill for about three weeks. But now, all is well because Fio managed to get the phone numbers of a couple of nurses she had liked ....and called the them. (Wicked laughter and big smile.)

Your girl wants to start painting again, but she can't find her palate 😞.