Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Fiorella's newspaper didn't show up on the lawn today, much to your girl's sorrow.  Yes, Fio is a newspaper fanatic--you can blame it on her mother, who had a minor in  the subject and passed it on to her daughter, who had a great time writing for various newspapers and some magazines.

Did you know that Fio has also had two books (romances) published. Hmmm, maybe she could write a story about a widow......

Regarding politics, your girl doesn't know which she's happiest about: a woman becoming President or Trump being ground into the gutter. 

Hooray, hooray! Son L was able to not only fix Fio's glasses, but he also repaired her cute little bedside clock, which the cat had knocked off the shelf.







Friday, August 30, 2024

The Poem that Lost a Rhyme

Fio is calling it a day 

Because she cannot think

Of anything else to say


At least this poem is new

The best that she can do

Seen only once-- by you



Thursday, August 29, 2024

THIS IS ABOUT FEELING "DIFFERENT" (which Fio has been since she was a child)

Fiorella is going to soak you with some of her poetry today:


I was born on Venus, maybe Mars

Where people see with different eyes

Where all the stars are different stars

Where the all skies are different skies

My outside, yes, it is the same, 

I've passed for years as human born

And answered to a human name

And tried to live in human form

The difference is in my brain

In how I think and feel and see

In how my heart absorbs the pain

Of my peculiarity


Alone, alone, all, all, alone

I scream aloud and no one hears--

 Because I use an alien voice

And you have only human ears

July 18, 1993

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


If Fiorella could still drive, she'd visit her friends all over town, go shopping frequently, join a couple of good organizations, go to church, and buy a big, big dog so she could have something to love. 

Has Fio told you that her hair is now almost down to her waist? Her mother wouldn't approve, but your girl loves it, swish, swish!

Wouldn't it be great if Fiorella could make contact with another lonely painter? We could comfort and reassure each well as have a good time.

Fio used to be a member of a romance-writing group and she's had twoπŸ’— books published, but she doesn't think she can come up with one out of thin air

So ifyou have any leftover heroes, please call.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Sorry to skip a day, but Fio will blame it on the weather, which seems to get hotter and hotter every day. Meanwhile, George (the glorious white cat) is sprawling in your girl's lap--at his own convenience, of course.

Fiorella is voting for Kamala, and hopes you are too.😊

AAAAACK!  One of Son's little pug dogs is washing your girl's ankles up to her knees right now, which is not appreciated....and neither is it appreciated when one (or both) of the cuties use them as a toilet.

This may be a dumb question, but Fio has just realized that the United States has a unique way to run a nation: by changing around the people in control. Are we the only countries that do this?


      Fiorella prays for a friend or two,

      Someone who has a car

      And will take her where she needs to go

       But not too far 😊





When will this horrible heat storm be over? 


Sunday, August 25, 2024


Son and his family have gone off for the day and Fio is holding down the house, probably till evening, and she is also board, board, board. To make it worse, as you know, the neighborhood we live in is very tight and your girl has no friends, which leaves her watching TV most of the day. (And the hot weather makes it even worse.)

Meanwhile, Fio is watching Doc Martin, which is still as much fun as it was the first time Ellen Paule and your girl watched it in Waco, Texas, lo, these many years ago.

Fio has thought about visiting Waco and checking out her childhood home, but she doubts from what she has heard that she wouldn't be able to identify anything. Her Junior High has probably been demolished, and she bets that the the High School has also bit the dust. 

You may wonder why your girl doesn't say something about her own college, University of Texas, but the last time she and a fellow PhD tried to get past the bars, it was no/go. 

Hip, hip hurray! Fio has finally gotten the name of the person who can supply Busperone, my favorite pill. Now if your girl can get hold of it!









Saturday, August 24, 2024


 At last, Fiorella has gotten her paints in order, scrubbed off the remnant of an ill-thought-out check of her older paints, and gathered a fair amount of newspaper to cover the floor in case your girl knocks over the water dish. Yes, Fio is a traditional painter, no modernism involved.

Was thinking of Waco High and wondering if it still exists....and who. Wouldn't it be great to get together, however briefly? 

By the way, in case you're wondering, Fiorella is swooning about the idea of a female President and she's bet money on her. If England can have an Elizabeth, we can have a Kamala!

Anyone who knows Fio knows she despises Trump....and that she  thinks he stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton, and will try to do the same for Kamala, so do your best to spread the good word.

Good night, sleep tight 😊










Friday, August 23, 2024


 Fiorella bought a nice slab of salmon at H-E-B and Son offered to cooked it for her. Translation: he doesn't like your girl to use the stove, etc.,,, although Fio did most of the family cooking when he was a child and afterwords, but when Son and his family set up, things changed. Two women in the house can be difficult.

Did Fio tell you that the fingernail on her right hand is more than inch long? And to think: when your girl was a child and upward, she bit her nails as far down as she could!

"Are you ever going to write again," you ask me? Sadly, Fio has to say she doesn't know. She'd have to find a group of authors and would-be authors for inspiration, and then there's the transportation problem.

That's all for now....




Thursday, August 22, 2024


Fiorella found her missing orange paint brush, but now, she's having to wash out a pair of reddish short-shorts that, one-way-or another, got tossed in with some blue ones. Luckily. the reddish shorts took over. Ah, the mysterious doings of your girlπŸ˜ƒ!

Oops, almost forgot that Fio needs a pallet, but she can make one out of cardboard if she can't locate one  in her "extras" boxes. 😊

GRRRRRRR!Your girl grew up in Texas and we NEVER had continues weather like this before! It makes Fiorella wonder if we're being attacked by creatures from another planet! (Remember the eclipse!)

 What Fio also wants to do is gather up some friends who are still driving and are willing to take her to places like stores that have nice clothes and perhaps some shoes. And she'd also like to get her hair set if possible. But most of all, your girl needs people to talk with.  😊 

Did you know that as soon as Fiorella got her diploma, the head of the Linguistics Department called her into his office and offered her a job? AND SHE REFUSED IT BECAUSE SHE  WANTED TIME OFF FROM SCHOOL?







care, dare, fair, hear, rare, mare, pair, stare, share,wear. where, ware, share






Wednesday, August 21, 2024

ONWARD AND UPWARD! (A little nervous because she thought she had lost her

Fio's two favorite meds are used. up. Her favorite is Bosperone, which at this time, is a no-go. DARN!

Hurray! Your Fiorella is finally going to start painting again, despite the fact that she has lost the "orange" out of her brand new set of paints, the one she hired a driver to drive an hour to find, but luckily, blue and yellow can produce orange.

In case you're wondering, first of all, your girl is going to make a do over painting of a picture of her childhood home in Ohio. Then, of course, she will start looking around for other subjects. (Her method is to get a sketch or photo, then fill in everything else.)

Eventually, Fiorella will flash some of her pictures on FaceBook (which she used to do when her husband was still with her).  







Monday, August 19, 2024


 Hip, hip, hooray, because Paula P. visited Fio today, drove her around to fading memories and talked and talked and talked about the old and the new. If ONLY they lived in the same city!


There was a really funny experience in our yester-year experience. The server, just like they used to do back in Fio's college days, couldn't understand that all Fiorella wanted was a plain Coke and burger. NO EXTRAS, PLEASE!


Changing the subject, your girl wants to pick up some different clothes and a different style. Any suggestions? Her faithful sewing machine hasn't shown it's nose for probably about five years, and Fio would like to give it another go-round.


Fiorella is drained dry so she'll try to do better tomorrowπŸ’—πŸ’—

Friday, August 16, 2024


 Whatever gain Fio achieved in the cul-de-sac yesterday, she lost today....and there's more to come. Those of your girl's friends who have been following her, write all this down so you can make a horror story out of it. And don't forget that COVID is swimming around again!

How many of you are still wearing college shirts at home? Your girl Fiorella is frequently thus attired and she's still proud of her University of Texas degrees...... although she doesn't give a darn about football.

Son L and his brood have gone out for supper, and Fio hopes that means they'll be bringing a nice  hamburger (or a salmon πŸ˜‹) back for her. (Your girl's larder is somewhat lacking.)

Hey! Remember when Fio got a half face-lift about ten years ago? Well, now she wants to get her forehead fixed....and maybe a touch-up for a few other things......😁

Fiorella has to admit that she hasn't started painting on her new sew of paints. Strangely, they sort of scaring her. What if she's lost her touch πŸ˜“?????

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Sorry for running short for two days, but there isn't much news when one is cooped up inside because it's it's too hot outside. Your girl made it today though--most of the cul-de-sac and back😊. Maybe by Halloween we'll all be able to trod the streets without our shoes catching fire!

 The most exciting thing during the lull was when George, the big, beautiful cat, disappeared. Everyone was looking for him everywhere until--suddenly--Fiorella heard scrabbling in her clothes closet and  a wild-eyed white cat whipped out of her room and down the hall, then didn't show till suppertime.

Yippie! Fio has a world map that she's going to slap on her wall: DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS! Not that she's going to join the corps, but now she'll know where every country, large and small.

When Fiorella was a child in Texas, she and her friends often played outside n the sun, but their mothers called them inside for Cool Ade if the day got too hot. God, couldn't you have just a little bit of rain for your children?





Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Fiorella is determined to get get going again, but she hasn't started dipping her new brushes in her palate yet because she's a little nervous and this will be her first new painting in two or three years. But HECK! She'd been the queen of the crayon from kindergarten on up, and it's a talent, something that sticks with you....she hopes!

Another thing your girl wants to do is get some new, stylish clothes, especially dresses. (Help,  please!) And yet another thing Fiorella wants to do is get in touch to some of the her cousins in Ohio and Lord knows where else.

About the horrible weather, Fio still thinks that it's related to the the Eclipse and all the junk (and people) we've tossed  up into space.

 Get your Covid shot! It's going around again!






Sunday, August 11, 2024


 The worst thing about the weather isn't the heat, but that you have to stay inside as much as you can, like you're in jail. Your girl bets that even the swimming pools are sweating!

And yes, Fio learned to swim in the YWCA....with the Jewish girls, of course. Remember that Fiorella told you that they--or rather their mothers--took pity on the tall Lutheran girl and gave her a ride along with their girls. (May God forever bless Eve Paule.)

Strangely, even though she liked swimming, Fio never asked Husband to put a pool in any of the houses they lived in, although they ended up with three bouncing children. 

Hip, hip, hurray! Fio's former maid, who now takes her to H-E-B and other places, drove her all the way across the city so she could buy what had once been called "Grumbacher," Fiorella's favorite paint for smaller pictures. Yep, your girl is edging back into the the game again.

Dang it! Son L was going to toast Fiorella some salmon (YUM!) for supper, but it hadn't thawed and Fio will have to wait till tomorrowπŸ˜•

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Have been watching Trump on the TV today and can't believing people ever voted for him in the first place, must less that some of them will vote for him again. If nothing else, his palling around with Stalin and other dictators should be a warning!

Ahh! George, the family cat has just landed in Fio's lap. He's beautiful--white with a smooth, black-ringed tail and a black crown. George is a sweetheart and usually comes to your girl's room during the day and on and off at night.

This hot weather is driving Fio crazy, as she, and probably the whole world, is grinding their teeth at! It's especially hard for Fiorella because she can't walk her cul-de-sac as much as she'd like, as she's probably said before.

On the side, your girl has broken her glasses--or at least the left side one--which doesn't matter too much because she's half-blind in that lens anyway. (The one-side blindness is from Fio's mother. Brother has it too.)





Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Fiorella has spent two hours trying to come up with something interesting about her for you, but hasn't come up with anything except that she really likes hamburgers--without any "juice" on them, of course. But then, as anyone who knows her will tell you, she is very picky about her food (probably because she didn't have much choice during her WWT childhood).

 The problem is that Fio has always been very active, but now, because she doesn't have transportation, she can't participate in anything, as she has said so many times.

By the way, if she ever CAN get transportation, one of the first thing she will do is finish off the half face lift she had a while back. Now you know all!












Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Son K cooked Fio a a good piece of salmon for supper today

And earlier, Son K had sent her a bushel of lovely flowers 

No rhyme, just love, and remembrances

From sweet and earlier times

Monday, August 5, 2024


 Nothing to say today. Fio's life is dull, dull, dull. That's what happens when you can't drive any more and you don't have any local friends. (And the whether doesn't help.)





Sunday, August 4, 2024


 OH MY GOD I WROTE THREE MESSAGES  and lost them all! They all showed up on the last page.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

MOVING ON-------

 Fio's day started and is ending with STRAWBERRIES, sweet, sweet, strawberries at breakfast and at even tide, but tomorrow will be another story. Son L wants Fiorella to call someone out of state to make sure our land interest still holds. Yep, your girl and company may have luck....or may not.

Fio is also ending her day by being alone: his wife's family has him for the evening. (Your girl is not invited.)


How about Fiorella getting her Grumbacher remains together, painting some NEW pictures, and displaying them? Children and dogs? 

In the meantime, Fio may plan for Christmas decorations--like the cardboard ones she made, decorated, and fastened along the inside of her side of her bedroom, on the inside of the entryway, and along the hallway.

Oops, almost forgot about Halloween and Thanksgiving, but Fio will give them her loving attention too--Grumbacher and all!





Friday, August 2, 2024


 Your girl is flailing around (as usual) trying to find a pair for one of her pairs of glasses because she's lost the other pair. Got it?

Now, both of the pairs are wearable--if you grab the roll or takeoff with them, but Fiorella would much rather get both of the pairs be in top shape--and with no missing objects, like perhaps, the  frame. 😊

Oh, and has Fio told you that one of the sets is purple plastic (from times long ago), and the other is some sort of light metal (from God knows what?)?

OH, OH--Fiorella is working with Scotch Tape now......unless you can send  her a pattern to rescue her.


Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Thank you, God! Fiorella has found one of her lost pairs of reading glasses! Now to pray for the other one.....

Son L's slobbering pugs joined your girl on the couch this evening and licked her like crazy. Does this mean they like her or they are testing her out as a future food source? 

Obviously, her day has been dull, dull, dull. Will try better tomorrowπŸ˜•